Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Assignment #6

1. I like to be scared. Being scared is funny to be because most of the time it is over nothing and then you realize that what you were scared about is really dumb. I'm okay with being frightened anytime really. Except mornings.

2. I'm afraid of getting lost. When I'm lost, I begin to panick and then I get really stressed out and very angry. However, some things in this world that I consider horrific don't neccessarily apply directly to me. I think war is terrifying and that I definetly wouldn't be able to go off to war. I think that my fears come from what I'm most uncomfortable with morally, except for being lost. That's just a scary situation to be in regardless. Blood and guts don't bother me at all, unless it is extremley excessive for no reason. However, the thought of something terrible happening is quite frightening because it is something that you think about, but are never too sure if and when it could ever happen.

3. For me, madness is losing your morals, thus, changing your perspective. In the story by Poe, the man lost all his morals and then killed everything he knew and it became his downfall.

4. I think today, what drives a lot of people to madness is the thought of death in general. People often obsses about what happens after you die. The fascination with life, I think, is that it will end. However, people sometimes tend to forget that it and it consumes their thoughts and it drives them to do things that they wouldn't normally do themselves. Their personalities almost transcend who they really are.


Dreese said...

I like your post alot. It has a lot of in-depth thiking. I hate being lost. I agree with the fact that being scared comes from the fear of death or being harmed. I think most people get lost in a sence of not doing what was desiered in life before it's end.

Katie said...

I think your idea about what drives people to madness is really profound. I didn't think of that but it is so true. People worry about what will happen to them after they die. Sometimes they get so caught up that they forget to live in the moment and enjoy life.
But I love being lost, its a thrill! I want to go on a road trip with no directions and see where I end up.

Grace said...

I think that your explanation of horrific things is interesting. I agree with what you say about thinking of bad things that might happen, but not knowing for sure. I also think you have a very interesting deffinition for madness, I think it's hard to pinpoint a word like that but you did a great job!

True said...

I think it is intesting how you are afraid of being lost. It is something that is so easily avoided, and perhaps your fear of being lost is simply a fear of a lack of knowledge. You are afraid of not knowing. also your view on madness is also interesting due to the simplicity of it.